Collection: Herkimer Diamond


Herkimer diamonds are natural quartz crystals that are characterized by their diamond-like double terminated shape and high luster. *The word "diamond" is merely a metaphor for their appearance; their composition is silicon dioxide (quartz crystal).

Its greatest feature is its diamond-like brilliance and transparency. It is harder than regular quartz and may contain tiny "rainbow inclusions" that are naturally produced. Because it is unprocessed and does not require polishing, it is popular among spiritual enthusiasts as a stone that contains the energy of the earth as it is.

  1. Differences in characteristics depending on the place of origin <br>The main production areas are Herkimer, USA, China (Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan), Pakistan, and Madagascar.
  • From Herkimer, USA : The surface has a particularly strong luster, and may contain black sand (magnetite) inside. Large crystals form a "skeleton quartz" structure.
  • Pakistan : The highest quality is "Golden Herkimer," which contains golden, liquid oil inclusions.

Effects and Meanings

Herkimer Diamond is known as the "stone of intuition and purification" and is expected to have the following effects:

  • Enhanced intuition : Activates the third eye (brow chakra) and sharpens inspiration
  • Energy Cleansing : Blocking negative thoughts and negative environmental influences
  • Mental concentration : Supports concentration during mindfulness and meditation
  • Harmony in human relationships : Improves communication skills and reduces interpersonal problems. Many people have reported that their thoughts became clearer and they were able to make decisions faster.

The difference between Herkimer and Elestial Quartz

Elestial Quartz from Pakistan is similar in appearance but can be distinguished by the following:

  • No fluidity even if oil inclusions are present
  • Geometric skeletal pattern (skeleton structure) inside the crystal
  • The surface gloss is slightly duller than Herkimer.